Harbinger, a medium-duty electric vehicle (EV) company, launched what it calls an IRA risk-free guarantee to maintain price stability amid changing EV regulations. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) 45W Commercial Clean Vehicle Credit offers up to $40,000 per EV to help companies modernize commercial fleets. However, uncertainty surrounds the program’s continuation, the company said.
Harbinger Risk-Free Guarantee: A Mission to Make EVs Accessible
Harbinger’s founders believe that for EVs to become mainstream, they must match diesel vehicle prices. The IRA 45W tax credit was a step in this direction, the company said. This program ensures that customers will still receive a similar cost reduction. Even if the IRA tax credit ends during the current tax year.
Program Details
Harbinger’s IRA risk-free guarantee provides customers with lower upfront costs for a Harbinger electric vehicle. For example, the model S524, a Class 5, 158-inch stripped chassis with a 140 kWh battery, has an MSRP of $103,200. Buyers of this model receive a $12,900 credit through the guarantee, lowering the price to $90,300.
If the IRA 45W tax incentive remains active in 2026, the buyer will pay a second payment of $12,900. If the IRA incentive ends, Harbinger said it will automatically waive this second payment, ensuring the customer enjoys the same purchase price.
Harbinger Leadership Statement on Risk-Free Guarantee
“We created this program to eliminate the financial uncertainty for customers who are interested in EV adoption, but are concerned about the future of the IRA tax credit,” said John Harris, Co-founder and CEO of Harbinger. “For electric vehicles to go mainstream, they must be cost-competitive with diesel vehicles. While the IRA tax credit helps bridge that gap, we remain committed to price parity with diesel, even if the credit disappears. Our vertically integrated approach enables us to keep costs low, shields us from tariff volatility, and ensures long-term price stability for our customers.”
Harbinger’s Electric Stripped Chassis and Future Growth
Harbinger’s electric stripped chassis innovates medium-duty vehicles like walk-in vans, box trucks, RVs, utility vans, and emergency response vehicles. The chassis, battery pack, and integrated electric drive unit are developed and manufactured in-house, the company said. This supports domestic manufacturing and job creation, and a safer alternative to retrofitted combustion-engine platforms, according to Harbinger.
Harbinger recently announced 4,690 vehicle pre-orders, valued at about $500 million. The company also raised $100 million in Series B funds to accelerate growth and increase production. This financial boost allows Harbinger to invest in long-term supplier tooling, it said.
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