The U.S. House of Representatives announced that it will vote on the “Choice in Automobile Sales (CARS) Act” (H.R. 4468) this week, SEMA said. The SEMA-supported bill would prohibit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from finalizing the agency’s proposed federal emissions standards for light- and medium-duty motor vehicles model years ’27 to ’32, which intend for electric vehicles (EVs) to make up 67% of all new vehicles sales by 2032. The CARS Act also prevents future EPA motor-vehicle emissions regulations that would mandate certain technologies or limit the availability of vehicles based on engine type.
SEMA said it opposes the EPA’s efforts to require EVs to make up 67% of all new vehicle sales by 2032 for the following reasons:
- The EPA’s proposed rulemaking seeks to lower carbon emissions in a way that essentially forces battery electric vehicles (BEVs) to become the only option for automakers to produce. Given the subsidies for EV purchases and production, EVs have become the de facto choice to achieve the rulemaking’s climate goals.
- A seismic shift to BEVs threatens the 55% of SEMA-member companies that produce internal combustion engine (ICE) related components and parts. Currently, consumers spend $17 billion annually on performance and accessories to upgrade engines and drivetrains.
- EPA’s multipollutant standards proposal does not allow consumers to purchase the vehicles that best suit the needs of their families. It will limit consumer choice and make the purchase of a new vehicle out of reach for millions of Americans.
- This proposal will hurt Americans who disproportionately live in multi-family housing, who will face the greatest challenges in charging their vehicles.
- It will also adversely impact people in rural parts of the country with limited EV infrastructure and people who drive long distances for work and other daily necessities.
SEMA said The CARS Act protects Americans’ right to choose the technology that powers their motor vehicles. SEMA President and CEO Mike Spagnola provided official comments to the EPA in opposition to the agency’s proposed new federal emissions standards for motor vehicles model years ’27-’32. In addition, SEMA’s grassroots efforts generated more than 7,700 comments by our member companies and enthusiasts from around the country.
U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI) introduced H.R. 4468 to ensure that the EPA’s proposed multipollutant standards do not limit consumer choice and direct consumers to embrace a specific form of vehicle technology to reduce emissions. U.S. Senators Mike Crapo (R-ID) and Pete Ricketts (R-NE) introduced companion legislation, S. 3094, that currently has 33 bipartisan co-sponsors and is awaiting consideration in the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.
For more information on these efforts, visit sema.org/advocacy/ice-bans.
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