Hyundai Motor Company recently held a groundbreaking ceremony for a new electric vehicle (EV) plant at its complex in Ulsan, South Korea. The new EV-dedicated plant will lay the foundation for future growth in the era of electrification, Hyundai said.
“The new EV-dedicated plant in Ulsan is the beginning of a promising future for the next 50 years and the era of electrification. I am honored to share our dream of a 100-year company here,” Executive Chair Euisun Chung said. “Just as the dream of building the best car in the past made Ulsan an automotive city today, I trust Ulsan will be an innovative mobility city that leads the way in the era of electrification, starting with a dedicated EV plant.”
The new EV-dedicated plant will be a human-centered facility and will be the hub for Hyundai Motor’s mobility production in the era of electrification, Hyundai said. With the new plant, Hyundai Motor’s Ulsan Plant complex will become a base of future mobility production for the company, it said.
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