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Here’s why US real estate investors should see climate change as an opportunity

Equally important as adopting renewables is ensuring the buildings they power are also sustainable. Electrek spoke with Breana Wheeler, US director of operations at BREEAM, the world’s first green building certification program, about what the ideal decarbonized building looks like and how US real estate investors should see climate change as an opportunity. Electrek:…

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Here’s how Canadian hydropower will power 1 million New York City homes from 2026

The Champlain Hudson Power Express (CHPE), a high-voltage direct current (HVDC) line, will deliver 1,250 megawatts of clean electricity from Canada’s Hydro-Québec, the fourth-largest hydropower producer in the world, to New York City. HVDC energy transmission transmits power over long distances more efficiently than alternating current (AC) transmission. The CHPE, which is permitted and expected…

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These countries lead the world in renewables manufacturing and installation

A global renewable energy employment report released today by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) reveals which countries are leading the world in wind and solar manufacturing and installation. “Renewable Energy and Jobs: Annual Review 2022” shows that the number of people working in the renewable energy sector…

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